Tag Archives: Historical Fiction


Standing Ovation (The Mari Mort Theater Trilogy – Book Two) has finally made it’s debut!

Annie Mae Steinberg continues her adventures in Los Angeles in the year, 1900!

This, my latest offering, follows Mae’s first appearance in The Mari Mort Theater Trilogy- Book One:  Mae’s Revenge.



I hope will enjoy both! And stay tuned for Book Three:

 Encore! Encore!



Well, folks . . . I did it!


Mae’s Revenge is available just in time for your first weekend of Summer, 2017!


The lovely ladies (pictured above) simply could not wait another moment to find out exactly what goes on inside this historical novella.


And now — you don’t have to wait, either!

Available on Amazon.com: 



Thank you, dear readers, for sharing this adventure with me, and I hope you enjoy Mae’s Revenge! (Available in E-book and paperback versions.) Please don’t hesitate to use the “comment” option, above.

First One Out of the Gate

Police Lieutenant David Bennett on horseback.
Police Lieutenant David Bennett on horseback.

Bosses and Blackjacks is currently with the editor and I hope to make it available to readers before the end of the year.  In the meantime, I thought I would whet your appetite by giving you a small bite to chew on…slowly, very slowly:

Politics in Philadelphia is a rough game…has been since the time of Ben Franklin. But, when murder takes place in the Fifth Ward on primary election day in 1917, it sparks outrage – not just in Philadelphia, but throughout the nation.

WWI now shares headlines with the conspiracy trial in the “City of Brotherly Love.” Police Lieutenant David Bennett, in charge of the “Bloody Fifth,” is arrested along with the Mayor and other members of the political machine run by the powerful Vare brothers. Interfering with a free and fair election, it would seem, is as contemptible as actually pulling the trigger.